Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's Get Ready, 100 are Coming!

by Mahdi Abdullah Murad Student Eye
Last week, Timothy Doyle told us that AUI-S will be accepting another 100 students for the spring semester.

Indeed AUI-S should be the home for the brilliant students of this country, but can THIS AUI-S accept another 100?

We can figure out the answer by examining the capacity dormitories, classes, cafeteria, computer labs, and toilets.

Bear with me for a while!

Let's first start with the dorms. The dorms? Yes, I know you have read, heard and seen a lot on this subject. We all saw the humanity dram at the Manolya dormitory. Academic Dean of Students himself admitted that "Manolya was not a place for human beings."

I am not to repeat all the misery here. See my report on the dorms to get an image of the situation, which after Student Eye's coverage, has gotten better.

However there are still problems.

These dorms don't have the capacity for another crowd. If half of the coming students, at least, needed to stay at the dorm, that is 50 students. The current dormitories don't have free space for 5, let alone 50.
So I wander, where would they put these students?

Huh…! What about the cafeteria?

Has any of you seen how much crowded the cafeteria is during the lunch or even normal times.

Once I blamed the owner of the cafeteria for the food was really cold and I almost missed my class. He answered, “There are a lot of the students who are coming together at once. We can’t manage such a number of the students easily.”

Good Luck to the cook! What will you do next semester? 100 more are coming.

I seriously believe that AUI-S should hire some traffic police.

Yes, we need some traffic police to regulate the 400 students at a small building with very narrow entries.

Just ask yourself, how many time have you hit someone's shoulder near the glass doors of the main building?

Now, imagine if we added another 100 to this crowd! The toilets, especially the ones at the main building, are not enough!I am not saying our metabolic activities as Iraqis are faster than the others, I am just saying we don't have enough place there. I have never sit there in peace! There is always someone waiting outside!
The 100 who are coming are humans too! They have an alienable right to the pursuit of happiness as well!

And the labs…

The most crowded spot on our planet, I believe, are the AUI-S computer labs. Every computer has three or four students working on. When you need to print something, you can't log in your account because there is no computer left! The number of students using the labs is three times 20 times the number of the laptops.

So, let's get ready. 100 are coming!

*Mahdi Abdullah Murad is an Information Technology freshman at the American University of Iraq-Sulaimani.

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